Tukaa’s Tale

I’m pleased to announce the release of Tukaa’s Tale, my spinoff based on Tukaa the talking tree from book two of the Story of Q.

Tukaa, an elder and mentor, enjoys sharing his memories with Inkaa, a promising apprentice, and by doing so, also teaches the sapling important lessons along the way. As Tukaa relays the ancient history of their sacred island of Inda he recalls The Memories of Omunii, also known as the First Tree or Grandfather. Along the way, the young one is told about Junda, the great force that flows through everything, connecting all life forms within their biosphere. Later he is introduced to the story of the Accuu, the bi-pedal beings from the nearby islands of Ota, Rantuu, and Jainda, who eventually revisit Inda every seven years in celebration of Oma (the nature spirit) and the two moons, Kangii and Golinda. Eventually, Inka is amazed when he learns about Rachael and Jenny, the two visiting humans from the planet Earth, who find their way to Accunii, through a mysterious portal.

The Quirky Bathroom Book

Be sure to check out Jay Fiondella’s latest wacky release, The Quirky Bathroom Book for men over 60! Here’s what he has to say:

I put together this little Quirky Bathroom Book for Men Over 60, because…well I’m over 60 and this reality seemed to creep up on me and rather took me by surprise. Being over 60 brought some changes which included physical, psychological, and philosophical. I expected some of these components of my new reality. Many I did not. The books content revolves around these things and flavored by what other men of the same general age group have shared with me. If you are not a 60 plus man and brave reading this: you may certainly find some excerpts crude, unsophisticated, or plain uninteresting. Fortunately, this little book wasn’t written for you. At its core it is a commentary on hard truths, that men of this age must deal with. The general tone is one of lighthearted sarcasm and positivity, however some content is of a serious nature and may closely resemble the profound. Some excerpts may make you laugh, some might make you sad, and others may give you food for thought and reflection. Most importantly, they inspire us to laugh at ourselves and find solace being reminded that we are not alone in this strange reality we suddenly find ourselves. If you are younger (and did not heed the previously mentioned disclaimer above) and still choose to read this: it may give insight into your future and literally and figuratively scare the shit out of you (good thing it’s a bathroom book)! The old cliche which every generation has heard from the one before rings true; “It seemed to happen overnight”. If you are at all like me, you keep waiting to see Rod Serling around the corner with a cigarette in his mouth: however, this is not an episode of the Twilight Zone…it’s the real deal mister – you’re in your 60s!

Marion’s Mumblings

My blog related to my love of many things including, photography, gardening, decorating, science, history, writing, cooking, BTS, and so much more… I’m a woman of many hats and the word ‘boredom’ is NOT in my vocabulary!

About the Name

‘Proud Daughter’ is named in honor of my late father, Walter “Monday” Poniedzialek, a WWII veteran who proudly served with the 540th Engineer Combat Regiment. I created a website dedicated in his honor, VI Corps Combat Engineers.

Many thanks to Barbara Smearman for the lovely background artwork!